Tylovis® EP 28
Tylovis EP 28 is a slightly air-entraining dispersing and wetting surfactant for cement, lime and gypsum based plasters, renders, mortars and trowelling compounds.

Tylovis EP 28 also has a some slight air-entraining property. It improves workability, smoothness, plasticity and trowelling as well as levelling behaviour of mortars and plasters. Fine particles of inorganic binders and pigments are much better dispersed throughout mixtures by addition of Tylovis EP 28.
It is highly recommended for gypsum based plasters as it reduces the stickiness of the first levelling and extends working time especially during the final stage.
Tylovis EP 28 is compatible with Tylose® MC and HEC grades as well as anionic and non-ionic surfactants. The recommended concentration should be 0.01 – 0.05 % by weight, calculated on the dry mixed mortar.