EcoVadis Rating

Sustainability assessment is crucial for a chemical company as it helps to identify and mitigate environmental impacts associated with its operations. By evaluating factors such as resource usage, emissions, waste management, human rights and safety, the company can develop strategies to improve its sustainability performance. This proactive approach provides transparency for SE Tylose in sustainability execution among stakeholders, including customers, investors and the community.

To examine our efforts in this context, since 2013 SE Tylose has committed to a sustainability rating on the Ecovadis platform, the market leader in this field.

This allows us to continually monitor, examine and enhance our sustainability performance with evolving stakeholders expectations.

Under the annual EcoVadis rating, we are evaluated on the topics of environment, labour & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. Furthermore, each topic is subjected to questions regarding policies, measures, actions, results and reporting.


We work in our sustainability task force with a team of experts on each topic. After the EcoVadis’s analyst team has evaluated  our completed questionnaires, we are granted a scorecard together with a medal. These demonstrate our individual sustainability performance , as well as in comparison within our industry and all the companies rated by EcoVadis. We are proud to have held our position over the years in the top 6% of all the rated companies. This reflects our dedication and continuous ambition towards sustainable and responsible business practices.

Overview of SE Tylose's results over the last four years.
Overview of SE Tylose's results over the last four years.

In addition to our overall result, more detailed sub-scores are also presented in our scorecard on the topics of environment, labour & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement as shown below. In our scorecard a list of strengths and improvement areas are also given. This practice allows SE Tylose to enhance the subsequent rating, understand the changing market demands and society expectations regarding sustainability matters.

Providing a third party sustainability rating enables SE Tylose to meet and monitor the external expectations on sustainability. Also it  fosters customer loyalty and can reveal new market opportunities. Additionally, transparency in sustainability practices can improve relationships with regulatory bodies and investors, as it demonstrates accountability and commitment to responsible business practices.

We use the EcoVadis as a standardised method to communicate our sustainability efforts to our business partners. To learn more details about our performance, download our scorecard by request here.

Sustainability Assessment

Roadmap towards carbon neutral production of cellulose ethers.

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Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility
Bildnachweis: SDI Productions

SE Tylose is well aware of its responsibility towards its employees and the environment.

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