Introduction EPD

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully finalised our efforts to assess the environmental performance of both our product groups, Methylcellulose and Hydroxyethylcellulose. In 2024 we have been issued the so-called Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) of MC and HEC. The independent verifying organisation has thoroughly inspected our Life Cycle Assessment and approved our approach and the results.

Hence, we are proud to actually be the first producer of HEC and MC globally who has reached this milestone.

The ISO-norm consistent EPD aggregates and discloses in a comparable and standardised fashion all environmental impacts our product has throughout it's entire life cycle, i.e. from wood (source of the renewable raw material, cellulose) all the way via manufacturing steps, the use phase until the end-of-life state. In this document the customer can for example find the information required for his own environmental assessment, e.g. by means of a product carbon footprint.

The documents can be found on the homepage of the issuing corporation:

Environmental Product Declaration Methylcellulose
Environmental Product Declaration Hydroxyethylcellulose


Press contact

SE Tylose GmbH & Co. KG
Kasteler Straße 45
65203 Wiesbaden


Company profile

SE Tylose is based in Wiesbaden, Germany, producing approximately 65.000 tons of cellulose ether annually and is one of the world's most important cellulose ether suppliers. The renewable primary raw material cellulose from wood and cotton is converted into various water soluble types of cellulose ether in ultra-modern plants.



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About us

InfraServ Wiesbaden Kalle-Albert
Photo: InfraServ Wiesbaden

Your best partner
SE Tylose is based in Wiesbaden, Germany, producing approximately 65.000 tons of cellulose ether annually and is one of the world's most important cellulose ether suppliers.

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